Parcellytics™ Business Intelligence Tool

Empowering you with visibility to drive down parcel costs & improve operational efficiencies.

Take Control Over Your Parcel Spend

Business transformation through parcel contract analytics.

What is Parcellytics™?

parcel + ana·lytics = parcellytics

Parcellytics™ is a tool empowering decision makers to make informed business decisions by gaining visibility into parcel spend and the impact it has on your margins.

We have a laser focus on saving our clients money on their small parcel shipping costs. Doing so involves several different levers and understanding data is one of them. It’s with that in mind that we offer our clients shipment level visibility into their small parcel data. Understanding data is not only eye opening, it’s empowering and it allows our clients to identify opportunities for savings in their business that they had not yet uncovered.


Gain visibility into your key parcel metrics so you can take action and quickly quantify savings.

What Else Can Parcellytics™ Do?

A few of our customers' favorite features of the Parcellytics™ tool is how the platform gathers your bills and loads them into our private and protected data warehouse. Your data is transformed into reports with drill down capability and visualizations which can be explored in a multitude of modules.

It simplifies the complexity of parcel logistics by shining light on shipment details that are not visible in invoices alone. This environment helps to identify opportunities to reduce parcel spend and improve processes by providing all key parcel metrics so stakeholders can take action and quickly quantify savings.


See much you can save by using Parcellytics™.